My name is Jacob Ross. I have had a passion for design and leatherwork since I was 14, and I have been crafting for about 8 years. I have always had a strange affinity for leather goods and bags, I love what is associated with them. The smell and suppleness of the leather, the anticipation of an adventure when packing all your supplies, the confidence of being prepared and the feeling of childlike wonder whilst wandering in the woods. Growing up I was blessed enough to have spent a lot of time outdoors exploring, learning about the biology of the plants and animals of the eastern woodlands, and learning how to survive on your own. I couldn’t afford a name brand bushcraft pack or ‘designer’ leather backpack, so I began my collection of tools and asked for material for holidays. Because I started young and had the help of experts online, I had lots of time to learn, hone my skills and develop my style. It is my goal to spark that childlike wonder and longing for adventure in you, while being confident in the quality of your gear.
It is my duty at Disciple Designed to provide affordable, utilitarian, sustainable heirloom quality products to the average person. With that being said, my products are handmade, and made to order by myself at the moment. The materials used are all made in America or Italy, and I make certain the hides are never tanned by children or people in slavery. Being a fair trade business is a moral obligation for ALL businesses, and this is something that more people should be aware of when buying any product. I am honored to use only fair trade materials. These materials are not cheap; however, I do my absolute best to price my products at the lowest possible wholesale value. Modern technology and social media allow me to have complete control over sales, marketing and social media presence. For this reason, it is my goal to abstain from selling in retail stores unless it is necessary.
Incentivizing luxury is something I wish to stay far away from and is the antithesis of my purpose. My wish is not to accumulate capital for the sake of luxury or status, but to provide quality utilitarian products to the average person without sacrificing luxurious design. Money is not my ultimate goal. Designing and crafting is one of my great loves, and if I can survive doing so then I am already rich. I am extremely fortunate to have had a loving, supportive family to believe in me throughout this journey of becoming a ‘professional’ leather craftsman. I have them to thank completely for being able to pursue this dream and to use my talent for good. I hope to be successful enough to be able to provide them with at least half of what they have provided me growing up.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you